Sagacious Himself — brevity in circumlocution: never blague — suffering genius

September 10, 2014

download “presidential” address september 10 2014 isil, islamic threat ala “peaceful” ottoman empire, arming islamic radicals to fight islamic radicals, state department failed policy with progressive twist impotence

Filed under: bookmarkified — Sagacious Himself @ 7:08 pm

github youtube-dl video download script command line cspan popular video streaming sites


python youtube-dl

With a notepad handy keep track of how many unlikely contingencies must be met for mr obama to act.

September 8, 2014

roku remote codes reboot diagnostics tweaking

Filed under: bookmarkified — Sagacious Himself @ 8:23 pm

platform secret screen : reboot et al

home (5), fw, play, rw, play, fw

wifi secret screen (directly, vs as submenu of platform secret screen)

home (5), up, down, up, down, up

direct reboot

home (5), up, rw (2), fw (2)

reset & dump .. IFF above reboot not effective

home (5), up, rw (2), fw (2)

verify channels are free and not “free” (“free” = not-free)

home (5), up (2), L, R, L, R, L

^ if “adplayer” is installed one of your channels is NOT-free

bit rate override — netflix cannot be bothered to deliver hd quality

home (5), rw (3), ff (2)

^ wow, “up to” 3.5.  Brings us back to usenet for quality (Blaze TV HD encodes are not all awesome)

developer settings

home (3), up (2), R, L, R, L, R

secret screet (infos)

home (5), fw (3), rw (2)

^ change software update server from beta to release

really really stop home banner ads

home (5), Up, R, Down, L, Up

gratis contra game on roku


” The console will not allow access to the output of other applications on the system.”


least horrible option for limited playback of lan video

other menu codes

roku3 without credit card activation or other financial instrumentcreate roku account (for activation) without financial instrument.  Do NOT provide instrument to “easily delete it later” as roku is not trustworthy in that regard.  I have purchased several Roku3 and companion Blaze TV accounts as gifts; sadly there is neither a Fire TV app or vanilla android app for Blaze TV.

If you want to explore “free” channels (not-free: malware) be sure to do so from an android device with root and Xposed Framework plugins:  XPrivacy Pro and UnbelovedHost, and LuckyPatcher (remove adware).

see also:  roku account activation without financial instrument  — the ONLY sane way to use roku

October 31, 2011

English LBE Security Master for android now available (outside market) formerly LBE Privacy Guard

edit 2014:  XPrivacy Pro is still the most mature solution.  Another XPosed Framework plug-in is worth observing in development: DonkeyGuard — as it will allow user choice spoofing of requested data.  Also consider installing:  UnbelovedHosts and many other defim plug-ins, LuckyPatcher (remove adware only), Llama (or Tasker), LightFlow (or Xposed led options).  [I do neither encourage- nor condone piracy].   “But my android device… selinux|bootloader”… yeah it’s time to consider buying out of contract, too, for user-liberty (oppo [no cdma]).


edit 2013: better yet:  XPrivacy extension of XPosed framework for android


edit: a MUCH better, more elegant solution is the PDroid patch


Ask your ROM builder to bake-in PDroid.  There are PDroid aditions and versions for ICS.  It will likely be ported to EVERY subsequent versison of android.


MY hardware, MY data: MY terms.


If you had been in contact with LBE developers prior to this release you should have received notification directly from LBE. 😉

English LBE Privacy Guard has received MUCH much more than a face lift.

Download English LBE Security Master [lite]

Version mismatch?  English LBE Security Master lite is version 2.0.x whereas Chinese LBE Security Master is version 2.1.x

Hopefully LBE has the wisdom to sell the full version outside the market, also.  Secure information shared with google [stored on google] is NOT secure.


There is an rom alternative to LBE Security Master [lite] by WhisperCore:

WhisperCore provides selective persmissions in a way that doesn’t take apps by surprise. Instead of denying access to resources, each permission revoked by a user creates a “private resource” for that application. So if an application requests the phone’s unique identifier, it will still get an identifier, but it will be a privacy-protected identifier generated specifically for that application. A different application with the same revoked permission would get a separate identifier, and an application without the revoked permission would get the real phone identifier.

Unfortunately WhisperSystem’s WhisperCore  does not support ALL android phones like LBE.


Another alternative to LBE Security Master LITE is pffmod


Ultimate permissions management, spoof ID / fake data, is possible with cyanogenmod,5677

Apply a little peer pressure to effect a change in favor of the hardware/data owners!


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