Sagacious Himself — brevity in circumlocution: never blague — suffering genius

April 1, 2011

malware-foss contradiction reedemed by fdroid community .. as drm fosters piracy.. or re-engineering.. so does malware-foss foster fixing

Sick of the malware dominated “freeware” section of android market?  Irked by “malware-foss” contradiction?  F-droid to the rescue.  A fine group of programmatically inclined heros edit away malware infecting f/OSS and compile actual-freeware for the educated. Kudos to CiaranG and those who want no spotlight.

Sadly the vast majority of android market users in their gross ignorance WRONGLY tolerate malware.

Sure ads can be easily blocked (root et al) but why trust an intellectually dishonest developer?  What other evil lurks in that black heart?  What other nefarious ends await the use of the malware?  Yes, malware: undesired code that harms the user or abuses his resources [for profit].


“But programmers gotta eat”

Yes, they do.  But if eating is unlikely daily perhaps said programmer should ply skills commercially and not futter away hours on a f/OSS project.  You can’t eat a cake you don’t have.  People don’t owe you cake.. nor do you have the right to another’s food. When you have enough food THEN worry about baking a cake.  Let them eat your cake or sell it!  You ought not pillage food from gift recipients.

When you give your cake away it’s irrational to whine that no one bought it.

Beware of cake indian givers!




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